Brånstrands family farm – cottage in the middle of Småland

Welcome to our family farm in beautiful Emådalen Valley. Guest accommodation in farm cottage. Use of garden with children’s play facilities. Help tend to our dairy cows, calves, sheep, hens, cats and rabbits. Experience country life. Vagabond excursions at barn, bathing, fishing, nature trail. Explore glorious forests and countryside and relax with your companions. Use of bicycles, boats etc. Weekend rate in low season: SEK 1,800 (incl. bedclothes and cleaning). 40 km to Astrid Lindgren’s World, 20 km to, 100 km to Öland. 50 km to Kingdom of Crystal and Elk Park.

New cottage Planiusstugan

We now offer a “remote” accommodation, 5 kilometres from the farm, but still on our premisses. A charming red cottages from the old days, but fully renovated for a comfortable stay. The cabin is situated on higher ground with a view over the idyllic landscape and meadows with grazing animals. In the cabin’s vast garden you find garden-furniture and a barbecue to your disposal. From here, you can start your hiking-trips in the beautiful surroundings, or you can pay us a visit at the farm and watch our daily chores in the stables and pastures.

Cottages and self-catering
Farms with animals
Follow the work on the farm (based on the host's conditions)
Open all year

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Outdoor facilities

GardenGrillParking for large vehiclesTractors

Indoor facilities

Allergy friendlyBookshelf with books about the areaKitchenTVWebsite

Surroundings, activities

BirdwatchingCafe/Restaurant within 20 kmCanoe route within 20 kmCycle trail within 20 kmHiking trail within 20 kmSki slopes within 50 kmSki trail within 20 kmTangible silenceTourist attraction within 50 km

Animals on the farm

CatsDairy cowsHensLambsRabbits



Accommodation information

Standard of kitchen: 4 out of 5 wheat ears
Standard of washrooms: 4 out of 5 wheat ears
Number of units: 1
Area: 44m2
Number of beds: 6

Prices for accommodation:

Lowest price per night, high season: 1500kr
Price per night, low season: 850kr
Lowest price per week, high season: 10000kr
Price per week, low season: 6000kr
Breakfast SEK/night: Nej
Bedlinen: 150kr
Final cleaning can be booked: 600kr

Other information

Accommodation information

Standard of kitchen: 5 out of 5 wheat ears
Standard of washrooms: 3 out of 5 wheat ears
Number of units: 1
Area: 55m2
Number of beds: 4

Prices for accommodation:

Lowest price per night, high season: 1200kr
Price per night, low season: 800kr
Lowest price per week, high season: 8000kr
Price per week, low season: 6000kr
Bedlinen: 150kr
Final cleaning can be booked: 600kr

Other information

How to find us & contact

Karina & Rune Brånstrand
Storegården, Tigerstad
57084 Mörlunda

Tel.: 073-807 60 99 (Karina), 070-621 46 96 (Rune)






Tigerstad is in east Småland about 40 km south of Vimmerby and 100 km north of Kalmar. From trunk road 34, about 2 km south-east of Mörlunda, take turning for Tigerstad and continue over River Emån. A few hundred metres on, you will come to Tigerstad. Take second left turning in village at sign reading "Bo på Lantgård". Red house with white cormers on right 50 m along this road.

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